Vectronix PLRF-25C and TerrapinX laser range finders, small drone target test
Vectronix lasers are known to be best money can buy. Still, professional grade lasers as PLRF-25C is are rarely tested, and even then never with small targets. Likely reason being that it is very difficult because of ground interference. Same goes even with more consumer- friendly priced TerrapinX, also popular choice for both precision shooters and professionals around world. If you are interested to purchase one or to get more information about other Vectronix products, email us any time. Check also Vectronix products in our webshop
We happen to have good drone and some imagination, so we thought to give it a try. Why not to hang target with drone? As far as we know, nobody has done it before. Professional grade small drones can easily carry light targets, without cutting flight time too much. We hope you enojoy video and especially music.. Budget was 5 Euros or about 6 US dollars - spray paint included. :)
Lee Sang Kyu
That’s really helpful for me.
What model number of PLRF25C you use?
Was it BT X2? Or just norml BT?